
Best FREE Readymade Discord Server Rules Template: Copy Paste in Markdown & JSON for Embed

Best FREE Readymade Discord Server Rules Template: Copy Paste in Markdown & JSON for Embed
Normal Discord Server Rules

Discord Server Rules and Guidelines are a set of rules that govern how users behave on Discord servers. These rules are designed to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

Some common Discord Server Rules and Guidelines include:

  • No harassment, bullying, or hate speech. This includes any language or behavior that is intended to make someone feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
  • No spam or trolling. This includes sending unwanted messages or links, or intentionally disrupting conversations.
  • No sharing of illegal or harmful content. This includes child pornography, gore, or other content that could be considered harmful.
  • No self-promotion. This includes posting links to your own content or services in inappropriate channels.
  • Respect the privacy of others. This includes not sharing personal information without someone's consent.

In addition to these general rules, Discord servers may also have specific rules that are specific to their community. For example, a gaming server might have rules about not discussing spoilers for upcoming games, while a school server might have rules about not discussing schoolwork.

It is important to read and understand the Discord Server Rules and Guidelines for any server you join. By following these rules, you can help to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

Here are some additional tips for making good Discord server rules:

  • Be clear and concise.
  • Be specific.
  • Be consistent.
  • Be fair.
  • Be enforceable.

By following these tips, you can create a set of rules that will help to keep your Discord server running smoothly and prevent problems.

Here are some resources where you can learn more about Discord Server Rules and Guidelines:

Discord Server Guidelines and Rules Template

Discord Server Rules and Guidelines templates are a set of pre-written rules that you can use as a starting point for creating your own rules. These templates can be a great way to save time and effort, and they can also help you to ensure that your rules are clear, concise, and comprehensive.

There are many different Discord Server Rules and Guidelines templates available online, so you can find one that is tailored to your specific needs. Here, We have listed our own TONTUF's Discord Server Rules and Guidelines from official Digital TONTUF' HQ Server. We have give you this template in three forms 1. Markdown Version, 2. Normal Version and 3. JSON Version for Embeds. We recommend you using Markdown Version as it is more clear and concise and looks far better than normal one. If you want you rules to be in a Embed then, we would recommend you using the JSON Version. All 3 Versions are listed below:

  • Markdown Version 

╔════╣     | 📌 **__Server Rules__ & __Guidelines__**  |     ╠════╗

**:: By joining this Server, you agree to the Discord's Platform [Terms](https://discordapp.com/terms) & [Guidelines](https://discord.com/guidelines)
:: You understand that violating these Terms & our Rules, may result in a permanent ban from this Discord server.**

`1.` **No NSFW in SFW channels.**
```Please keep all content under 18+, no channel is NSFW unless specified.

`2.` **Advertising & Self Promotion is NOT allowed.**
```Do NOT ask people to join your server. Do NOT DM advertise to anyone. You will be banned.
- You can DM any admin for promotions. 
- Don't mention servers names, this can cause warning!
- Don't publish external server links, this causes deletion of you message and warning from staffs!```

`3.` **No Harassment or Discrimination**
```Do not harass or bully people, this includes ethnicities, ages, genders, sexualities, and orientations. We do not allow discrimination, breaking this rule will result in a ban.```

`4.` **This is an English & Hindi only Server.**
```Only speak English or Hindi in this server.```

`5.` **Reaching the Support.**
```If you got an inquiry or issue(regarding TONTUF), please mention the role "Support" once, don't be annoying.
- Don't contact the staffs privately to ask for help, the support server is not for a decoration.```

`6.` **Do not troll.**
```If you are here to troll you will be Timeouted or Banned from this server.```

`7.` **Do not excessively ping people.**
```Do not ping unless you have a legitimate reason. Never ping a user more than once per topic.
- Don't mention the admins or developers, this bothers them.```

`8.` **Staff have the final say.**
```Staff may enforce the rules based on their decision. If deemed necessary admins are allowed to ban if the situation requires it. Staff members are not limited to the rules, if deemed punish worthy the Staff may still punish even if it is not explicitly stated here in the rules.```

`9.` **No spam**
```Spam is not allowed in any channel. Use the channels accordingly.```

``10.` **Do Not Mini Mod**
```While we may appreciate you trying to help, mini modding creates more problems than solutions. This can result in a warn or mute. 
- You can ping 1 helper or DM 1 helper if there is a problem.```

- **Use common sense as we cannot mention each & every rules here.**

  • Normal Text Version

╔════╣     |  Server Rules & Guidelines  |     ╠════╗
:: By joining this Server, you agree to the Discord's Platform Terms & Guidelines.
:: You understand that violating these Terms & our Rules, may result in a permanent ban from this Discord server.

1. No NSFW in SFW channels.
Please keep all content under 18+, no channel is NSFW unless specified.

2. Advertising & Self Promotion is NOT allowed.
Do NOT ask people to join your server. Do NOT DM advertise to anyone. You will be banned.
- You can DM any admin for promotions. 
- Don't mention servers names, this can cause warning!
- Don't publish external server links, this causes deletion of you message and warning from staffs!

3. No Harassment or Discrimination
Do not harass or bully people, this includes ethnicities, ages, genders, sexualities, and orientations. We do not allow discrimination, breaking this rule will result in a ban.

4. This is an English & Hindi only Server.
Only speak English or Hindi in this server.

5. Reaching the Support.
If you got an inquiry or issue(regarding TONTUF), please mention the role "Support" once, don't be annoying.
- Don't contact the staffs privately to ask for help, the support server is not for a decoration.

6. Do not troll.
If you are here to troll you will be Timeouted or Banned from this server.

7. Do not excessively ping people.
Do not ping unless you have a legitimate reason. Never ping a user more than once per topic.
- Don't mention the admins or developers, this bothers them.

8. Staff have the final say.
Staff may enforce the rules based on their decision. If deemed necessary admins are allowed to ban if the situation requires it. Staff members are not limited to the rules, if deemed punish worthy the Staff may still punish even if it is not explicitly stated here in the rules.

9. No spam
Spam is not allowed in any channel. Use the channels accordingly.

`10. Do Not Mini Mod
While we may appreciate you trying to help, mini modding creates more problems than solutions. This can result in a warn or mute. 
- You can ping 1 helper or DM 1 helper if there is a problem.

- Use common sense as we cannot mention each & every rules here.

  • JSON Version for Embeds


  "content": null,

  "embeds": [


      "title": "╔════╣     | 📌 **__Server Rules__ & __Guidelines__**  |     ╠════╗",

      "description": "**:: By joining this Server, you agree to the Discord's Platform [Terms](https://discordapp.com/terms) & [Guidelines](https://discord.com/guidelines)\n:: You understand that violating these Terms & our Rules, may result in a permanent ban from this Discord server.**\n\n\n`1.` **No NSFW in SFW channels.**\n```Please keep all content under 18+, no channel is NSFW unless specified.\n\n```\n────────────────────────────\n`2.` **Advertising & Self Promotion is NOT allowed.**\n```Do NOT ask people to join your server. Do NOT DM advertise to anyone. You will be banned.\n- You can DM any admin for promotions. \n- Don't mention servers names, this can cause warning!\n- Don't publish external server links, this causes deletion of you message and warning from staffs!```\n\n\n────────────────────────────\n`3.` **No Harassment or Discrimination**\n```Do not harass or bully people, this includes ethnicities, ages, genders, sexualities, and orientations. We do not allow discrimination, breaking this rule will result in a ban.```\n\n\n────────────────────────────\n`4.` **This is an English & Hindi only Server.**\n```Only speak English or Hindi in this server.```\n\n\n────────────────────────────\n`5.` **Reaching the Support.**\n```If you got an inquiry or issue(regarding TONTUF), please mention the role \"Support\" once, don't be annoying.\n- Don't contact the staffs privately to ask for help, the support server is not for a decoration.```\n\n\n────────────────────────────\n`6.` **Do not troll.**\n```If you are here to troll you will be Timeouted or Banned from this server.```\n\n\n────────────────────────────\n`7.` **Do not excessively ping people.**\n```Do not ping unless you have a legitimate reason. Never ping a user more than once per topic.\n- Don't mention the admins or developers, this bothers them.```\n\n\n────────────────────────────\n`8.` **Staff have the final say.**\n```Staff may enforce the rules based on their decision. If deemed necessary admins are allowed to ban if the situation requires it. Staff members are not limited to the rules, if deemed punish worthy the Staff may still punish even if it is not explicitly stated here in the rules.```\n\n\n────────────────────────────\n`9.` **No spam**\n```Spam is not allowed in any channel. Use the channels accordingly.```\n\n\n────────────────────────────\n``10.` **Do Not Mini Mod**\n```While we may appreciate you trying to help, mini modding creates more problems than solutions. This can result in a warn or mute. \n- You can ping 1 helper or DM 1 helper if there is a problem.```\n\n\n- **Use common sense as we cannot mention each & every rules here.**",

      "url": "https://ghoulx.blogspot.com/2023/07/best-free-readymade-discord-server.html",

      "color": 2829616



  "username": "TONTUF | Management Team",

  "avatar_url": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088132914509783080/1097280538198421514/search-employee-5374228-4492206.png",

  "attachments": []


Once you have chosen a template, you can customize it to fit your specific needs. You may need to add or remove rules, and you may also need to change the wording of some of the rules to make them more clear and concise.

Here are some tips for using Discord Server Rules and Guidelines templates:

  • Read the template carefully before you start customizing it. This will help you to understand the purpose of each rule and how it fits into the overall template.
  • Be clear about your goals for your Discord server. What kind of environment do you want to create? What behaviors do you want to encourage or discourage?
  • Get feedback from other members of your community. Ask them what they think is important and what they would like to see included in the rules.
  • Be willing to update your rules as needed. As your community grows and changes, your rules may need to be updated as well.

By following these tips, you can use Discord Server Rules and Guidelines templates to create a set of rules that are clear, concise, and effective.

Discord Server Rules and Guidelines are important for a number of reasons. They help to:

  • Create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. By having clear rules in place, Discord servers can help to prevent harassment, bullying, and other forms of abuse.
  • Set expectations for behavior. When users know what is expected of them, they are more likely to behave in a way that is respectful and considerate of others.
  • Resolve disputes. If a dispute arises between users, the Discord Server Rules and Guidelines can be used to help resolve the issue fairly.
  • Protect the server from harmful content. By prohibiting the sharing of illegal or harmful content, Discord servers can help to protect their users and keep the server safe.
  • Maintain the server's purpose. Discord servers are often created for specific purposes, such as gaming, discussion, or collaboration. By having clear rules in place, Discord servers can help to ensure that they are used for their intended purposes.

In short, Discord Server Rules and Guidelines are important for creating a positive and productive online experience for everyone. By following these rules, users can help to make Discord a safe and welcoming place for everyone.

Here are some additional benefits of having Discord Server Rules and Guidelines:

  • They can help to reduce the workload of moderators. By having clear rules in place, moderators can focus on resolving more serious issues, rather than having to deal with minor infractions.
  • They can help to build a sense of community. When users know what is expected of them, they are more likely to feel like they are part of a community. This can lead to increased engagement and participation.
  • They can help to protect the server from legal liability. By having clear rules in place, Discord servers can help to reduce their risk of being held liable for the actions of their users.

If you are a Discord server owner or moderator, I encourage you to take the time to create and enforce clear rules. By doing so, you can help to create a positive and productive online experience for everyone.

Here are some tips on how to make your Discord Server Rules and Guidelines perfect and suitable for your Discord server:

  1. Start by brainstorming a list of potential rules. What are the most important things you want to communicate to your users? What behaviors do you want to discourage?
  2. Once you have a list of potential rules, review them carefully and make sure they are clear, concise, and specific. Avoid using vague language or terms that could be interpreted in different ways.
  3. Consider the purpose of your Discord server. What are you hoping to achieve by having rules in place? Once you know the purpose of your rules, you can tailor them to fit your specific needs.
  4. Get feedback from other members of your community. Ask them what they think is important and what they would like to see included in the rules.
  5. Once you have a final draft of your rules, make sure they are easy to find and accessible to all users. You may want to post them in a dedicated channel or include them in the server welcome message.
  6. Be prepared to enforce your rules. If a user breaks the rules, you need to be prepared to take action. This may involve warning the user, muting them, or even banning them from the server.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Use plain language that is easy to understand. Avoid using legal jargon or technical terms that your users may not be familiar with.
  • Be consistent in enforcing your rules. If you make an exception for one user, you will need to make an exception for all users.
  • Be transparent about your rules. Make sure your users know what the rules are and how they will be enforced.
  • Be willing to update your rules as needed. As your community grows and changes, your rules may need to be updated as well.

By following these tips, you can create a set of Discord Server Rules and Guidelines that are perfect and suitable for your Discord server.

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