
Know about Discord Timestamps & its Cheatsheet

Know about Discord Timestamps & Cheatsheet

What are Discord timestamps?

Discord timestamps are a way to include a date, time, or countdown in a Discord message. They are based on the Unix timestamp format, which counts the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970. When a timestamp is displayed in Discord, it will be updated in real time to reflect the user's local time zone.

How to create a Discord timestamp

There are two ways to create a Discord timestamp:

  • Manually: You can manually create a timestamp by typing the Unix timestamp followed by the desired format. For example, to create a short date timestamp, you would type <t:1658000000:d>.
  • Using a timestamp generator: There are many online timestamp generators that can help you create timestamps. These generators will usually allow you to choose the format of the timestamp and the time zone.

Different types of Discord timestamps

There are six different types of Discord timestamps:

  • Short time: This format displays the time in 12-hour format, with AM or PM. For example, <t:1658000000:t> would display as 11:00 AM.
  • Long time: This format displays the time in 24-hour format, without AM or PM. For example, <t:1658000000:T> would display as 23:00.
  • Short date: This format displays the date in month/day/year format. For example, <t:1658000000:d> would display as 07/17/2023.
  • Long date: This format displays the date in month day, year format. For example, <t:1658000000:D> would display as July 17, 2023.
  • Short date/time: This format displays the date and time in month/day/year time format. For example, <t:1658000000:f> would display as July 17, 2023 11:00 AM.
  • Long date/time: This format displays the date and time in weekday, month day, year time format. For example, <t:1658000000:F> would display as Wednesday, July 17, 2023 11:00 AM.

Relative timestamps

Discord also supports relative timestamps, which are timestamps that display how much time has passed since a certain event. For example, if you wanted to create a timestamp that would display "in an hour", you would type <t:1658000000:R>.

How to change Discord timestamps

You can't change the format of the timestamps that are displayed in Discord. However, you can change your Discord time zone settings to change the way that timestamps are displayed in your local time zone.


Discord timestamps are a helpful way to include a date, time, or countdown in a Discord message. They are easy to create and can be displayed in a variety of formats. If you need to keep track of time in Discord, timestamps are a great way to do it.

Discord Timestamps Cheatsheet:

Timestamp Type Format Example
Short time t <t:1658000000:t>11:00 AM
Long time T <t:1658000000:T>23:00
Short date d <t:1658000000:d>07/17/2023
Long date D <t:1658000000:D>July 17, 2023
Short date/time f <t:1658000000:f>July 17, 2023 11:00 AM
Long date/time F <t:1658000000:F>Wednesday, July 17, 2023 11:00 AM
Relative timestamp R <t:1658000000:R>in an hour

Where to use Discord timestamps:

  • In Discord messages
  • In Discord bots
  • In Discord settings

How to change Discord timestamps:

  • You can't change the format of the timestamps that are displayed in Discord.
  • You can change your Discord time zone settings to change the way that timestamps are displayed in your local time zone.

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